Similar words: excess, excessive, in excess of, excess demand, excessively, excess supply, excess profit, excess reserve.
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1 The full excess fare had to be paid.
2 Where am I supposed to pay the excess fare?
3 Where should I pay the excess fare?
4 He was awarded the £40 he had been ordered to pay in excess fares plus interest plus costs.
5 The normal single journey fare is deducted when passengers enter the system. Any excess fare paid is refunded at the return trip exit gate.
6 Oh, you can continue your journey if you are to pay excess fare.
7 You have gone too far for your ticket so you must pay an excess fare.
More similar words: excess, excessive, in excess of, excess demand, excessively, excess supply, excess profit, excess reserve, excess baggage, successfulness, successful, unsuccessful, successfully, unsuccessfully, excel, except, exceed, excel in, excerpt, excel at, excepted, except for, excentric, exception, excellent, excepting, exceeding, excellency, excellence, except that.